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Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination 10E 2023

 Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination 10E 2023



Chief Nursing and Content Officer Triaj, Inc. Havre de Grace, Maryland


Professor and Chair (ad interim) Department of Nursing Executive Director for Advanced Practice The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Houston, Texas


Professor of Medicine Department of Medicine The University of Chicago Chicago, Illinois 


 Professor of Pediatrics Chief, Division of General Pediatrics Assistant Dean for Medical Student Affairs The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Baltimore, Maryland 


Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Baltimore, Maryland

Pages:  684                                                                                                                                 

  •  Language: English                                                                                                             
  • Format: PDF                                                                                                      

  • Size 178 MB


Seidel’s Guide to Physical Examination: An Interprofessional Approach was a landmark text when first published, in part because of the interprofessional team of nurse practitioner and physician authors. The use of interprofessional authors has continued through all editions, and the current team of nurse practitioner and physician authors brings the strengths of their respective disciplines to help students of all health disciplines learn to conduct a patient-centered interview and perform a physical examination. This text is written primarily for students beginning their careers as a healthcare professional. The core message of the book is that patients are our central focus and must be served well. Learning how to take a history and perform a physical examination is necessary, but does not provide a full understanding of your patients.

 The relationship with your patients and the development of trust most often begins with conversation. Patients will more comfortably share personal and sensitive information when you develop a rapport and build trust. Such a relationship helps you obtain reliable information enabling you to serve your patients well. You are, after all, learning the stories of individuals with unique experiences and cultural heritage, and our interaction with them involves far more than the sum of body parts and systems. The art and skills involved in history taking and the physical examination are common to all of us, regardless of our particular health profession. 


The achievement of a constructive relationship with a patient begins with your mastery of sound history taking and physical examination. Chapter 1 stresses that “knowing” is incomplete without the mutual understanding of cultural backgrounds and differences. Chapter 2 offers vital “getting to know you” guidelines to help you learn about the patient as the patient learns about you. Chapter 3 gives an overview of examination processes and the equipment you will need. Chapter 4 assists with the process of analyzing the information collected during the history and physical examination, and using clinical reasoning to support decision making and problem solving.

 Chapter 5 provides guidance on recording the information collected into the patient’s written or electronic health record with particular emphasis on the Problem Oriented Medical Record (POMR) and the use of SOAP (Subjective findings, Objective findings, Assessment, and Plan). Chapters 6 through 8 introduce important elements of assessment: vital signs and pain; mental status; and growth, development, and nutrition. Chapters 9 through 23 discuss specific body systems and body parts, with each chapter divided into four major sections: • Anatomy and Physiology • Review of Related History • Examination and Findings • Abnormalities Each of these sections begins with consideration of the adult patient and ends, when appropriate, with variations for infants, children, and adolescents; pregnant persons; older adults; and individuals with disabilities. We have also updated language and content to reflect genderdiverse considerations. 

Throughout the book, there is language to support the inclusive nature of a physical exam, including physical exam changes related to transgendered persons. To help you get organized, each chapter starts with a preview of physical examination components discussed. The Anatomy and Physiology sections begin with the physiologic basis for the interpretation of findings, as well as the key anatomic landmarks to guide physical examination. The Review of Related History sections detail a specific method of inquiry when a system or organrelated health issue is discovered during the interview or examination. The Examination and Findings sections list needed equipment and then describe in detail the procedures for the examination and the expected findings. These sections encourage you to develop an approach and sequence that is comfortable for you and also for the patient. In some chapters advanced examination procedures are described for use in specific circumstances or when specific conditions exist. You will note that the terms “normal” and “abnormal” are avoided whenever possible to describe findings because, in our view, these terms suggest a value judgment that may or may not prove valid with experience and additional information. 

The Abnormalities sections provide an overview of diseases and associated problems relevant to the particular system or body part. The Abnormalities sections include tables clearly listing pathophysiology in one column and patient subjective and objective data in another column for selected conditions. Full-color photos and illustrations are often included. Chapter 24 details the issues relevant to the sports participation evaluation. Chapter 25 provides guidance for integrating examination of all body systems into an organized sequence and process. Chapter 26 provides guidelines for the change in standard examination approaches in emergency and life-threatening situations. This information is only a beginning and is intended to be useful in your clinical decision making. You will need to add other resources to your base of knowledge.

New to This Edition 

The entire book has been thoroughly updated for this edition. This includes the replacement of illustrations of abnormal findings with updated photos and the use of new full-color photos and drawings to replace one- and two-color illustrations in the tenth edition. There are approximately 1200 illustrations in addition to the numerous tables and boxes that have traditionally given readers easy access to information. Among the many changes:

 •   Evidence-Based Practice in Physical Examination boxes have been thoroughly updated. These boxe       focus on the ongoing need to incorporate recent research into clinical practice and decision making.

 •  Clinical Pearls boxes have been updated and revised. 

 • The Examination Techniques and Equipment chapter includes updated recommendations for Standar     Precautions.

 •  Updated cancer screening controversies and summary evidence are included in the abdomen, breast,       and prostate chapters.

 •  Information about sensitive and respectful approaches to history taking and physical examination of        lesbian, gay, bisexual, and gender-diverse patients has been integrated into several chapters.

 •  The Emergency or Life-Threatening Situations chapter has been updated.

 •  The sports participation chapter includes updated recommendations for assessing and managing           patients with sports-related concussions.


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