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The Sanford Guide to Antimicrobial Therapy 52th Edition 2022 pdf

     Download The Sanford Guide to Antimicrobial Therapy 52th Edition 2022 pdf Easily In Format For Free


The Sanford Guide to Antimicrobial Therapy 2022 PDF is one of the leading references for tropical and infectious diseases with a giant number of successful editions by 52 previous editions. It is a standard guide for all infectious disease doctors and researchers all over the world. This textbook is distinguished by the systemic presentation that makes it suitable for daily use and the old history of antibiotics development and infections resistance. It is the guideline for all medical members from doctors, nurses, pharmacists

  • Prepared by professors David Gilbert, Henry Chambers, and Michael Sag, Leading pioneers of microbiology and pharmacology.
  • Comprehensive and integrated textbook of antimicrobial indications and side effects and profitability against different microbes, so it is a must to use it as a major part of the steward program.
  • Covers all pathogens of microbes, pathogeneses of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. All drugs used, doses, indications, contraindications, duration, interactions, and side effects and mentioning prophylactic management
  • Special concern about infants dosages and prophylaxis, renal adjustments, and new challenging strains which spread in children
  • The New edition comes with a new world in 2022 with the COVID-19 era, the addition of new Covid drugs cefiderocol, ibrexafungerp, brincidofovir, cabotegravir, doravirine, and more.
  • ECMO adjustment tables present different clinical pictures of symptoms and modes of treatment with suitable treatments
  • New tables of the initial choice of antimicrobial agents of cases in a systematic manner, new recommendations of resistant infective syndromes
  • Gram-negative bacilli recommendations have been updated based on new research and IDSA guidelines.
  • Updates to supplies for antiparasitic medications, significant changes to amoebic meningoencephalitis, babesiosis, trypanosomiasis, and tuberculosis.
  • Overall, the book has a beautiful style and is an excellent resource for medical students because it emphasizes the significance of each drug and describes how it functions in the body. Due to the units 
  • being divided depending on each system of the body, it is also effortless to read and comprehend.
  • Clinical approach to the initial choice of antimicrobial therapy
  • Recommended antimicrobial agents against scabies bacteria
  • Suggested duration of antimicrobial therapy in selective syndromes
  • Antibacterial activity spectra

  • Antifungal activity spectra
  • Antiviral activity spectra
  • Treatment options for systemic infections due to multi-drug resistant gram-positive bacteria      
  • Suggested septic antibacterial
  • Suggested treatment of culture positive
  • Suggested treatment of culture-negative
  • Antibiotic hypersensitivity
  • Pregnancy
  • Pharmacokinetics of antimicrobial
Pharmacodynamics of antimicrobial
Dosages and side effects
Inhalation antibiotics
Ecmo drug assessment
Fungal infections
Antifungal treatment
Pediatric antimicrobial



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