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Functional Anatomy: Musculoskeletal Anatomy, Kinesiology, and Palpation for

Functional Anatomy: Musculoskeletal Anatomy, Kinesiology, and Palpation for 




Today's massage, bodywork, and fitness professionals are
increasingly becoming members of the healthcare team.
These professionals collaborate with physicians, physical
therapists, occupational therapists, chiropractors, nurse caremanagers, attorneys, insurance companies, and other health-care providers.

Professionals must have a clear understand-ing of muscle and joint function beyond simple actions.

Thisallows them to communicat e clearly, maintain credibility,and obtain reimbursement for therapeutic work.

The emerg-ing requirement for "outcome-based" justification of treat-ments further supports the need for a thorough understand-ing of the body in motion.

Functional Anatomy was written to help students ofhuman movement and bodywork understand how anatomicalstructures work together to create motion.

Developing an un-derstanding of the body in all of its complex synchronicity iscritical for students of massage and bodywork.

These careersrequire the therapist to create concise and effective treatment

Fitness and sports professionals are routinely calledupon to analyze complexmovement patterns in order tomaximize the athlete's performance and prevent injury.
Beyond these pragmatic benefits, an understanding ofunctional anatomy develops heightened intellectual andartistic appreciation of the human body in motion.

With adeep understanding of structure-function relationships, webegin to see the client'sbody as a living, breathing, movingmarvel.

Functional Anatomy: Musculoskeletal Anatomy,Kinesiology, and Palpation for Manual Therapists can as-sist you in exploring the structures and anatomical relation-
ships responsible for movements such as walking, running,lifting, and throwing.

You will be guided through activitiesthat involve inspecting, touching, and moving these struc-tures, enabling you to create a solid, three-dimensionalimage of the human body and its movement potential.



The chapters in Functional Anatomy are organized to build
anatomical regions "from the ground up.

This meansdeeper structures are identified first, and then structural lay-
ers are added.

This organization helps readers understandthe relationship between static structures such as bones, lig-aments, and joint capsules and dynami c functions of mus-cles.

Muscles are presented from superficial to deep to de-velop systematic palpation skills.

Functional Anatomy alsogroups muscles together functionally.

For example , thelatissimus dorsi and teres major are located next to each
other in the body, have a commo n insertion, and perform thesame actions. Because of this, they are considered sequen-tially in Chapter 4.

The first three chapters in the book describe how the
body is put together and how it achieves movement.

InChapter 1, the basic structures and systems of the body, the
text's organization of the layers of the human body, and the language of anatomy and movement are discussed and ex-plored.

Chapter 2 provides an in-depth investigation of bones and joints, including their basic structure, various shapes andfunctions, classification, and location of the different types in
the body.

Chapter 3 delves into skeletal muscles, including their functions, properties, fiber directions and types, the dif-ferent types of contractions they create, and how they areregulated.

After studying these introductory chapters, you should understand the basic structures of the body and meth-ods for creating movement. You will also have developed a language for discussing these concepts.

Each of the remaining six chapters explores a specific region of the body. These chapters follow a consistent tem-plate, with the same type of information occurring at the same place in each chapter. This predictability will help you locate any topic within a given chapter quickly and easily.

The recurring elements in the first half of each chapter
include, in order:
• competency-based objectives
• overview of the region
• surface anatomy
• skeletal structures
• bony landmark palpation
• muscle attachment sites
• joints and ligaments
• superficial muscles of the region
• deep muscles of the region
• special structures located in the region (other than bones,
ligaments, and muscles)
• movements allowed by the region's joints
• passive and resisted range of motion techniques

This opening section is followed by a set of one- or two-
page profiles of each muscle pertinent to that region.

Profiles include an illustration of the muscle showing its origin, inser-
tion, and fiber arrangement and direction.

Text descriptions of the muscle attachments, actions, and innervations are located
next to this image. The profile also includes a description of the muscle's functional anatomy: that is, the relationships it
has with other muscles, how it works in the body beyond its
actions, and common imbalances or dysfunctions associated
with it. Finally, the profile explains in simple, easy-to-follow
steps how to palpate and lire the muscle against resistance. A
photograph shows proper positioning of the practitioner and
client, as well as the pertinent bony landmarks and muscle

The simple, consistent design of each muscle profile ensures ease of use in the classroom or lab. as well as for
studying and quick reference.
A section discussing the functional aspects of the body region follows the muscle profiles. This section includes in-formation on synergist and antagonist relationships and a photo essay called Pulling It in Motion, which explores the structure-function relationships involved during activities of daily living and sport.

Every chapter of the book closes with a concise sum-mary, review questions, and study activities. The latter in-cludes specific exercises aimed at kinesthetically engaging the covered material.


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