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Elsevier Murray Nadels Textbook of Respiratory Medicine 2 Volume



This seventh edition of the Textbook represents the first
major reorganization since the first edition in 1988.

You will notice many changes in structure and content, all
aimed to enhance its readability and educational value.

There are two major changes.

The first is that the num-ber of chapters has been increased from 106 in the sixth edi-
tion to the current 142.

This strategic change enabled us tocreate more focused shorter chapters, which we hope areeasier to find and to read.

We were able to bring new chap-ters out of their hiding places under other headings (e.g.,

Influenza, Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, and Pneumotho-
rax), to create new chapters on topics not directly covered before (e.g., Hypoxemia, Aspiration, and Air Travel), and to
cover entirely new topics (e.g., Microbiome and COVID-19).

The second major change was the creation of a new section
particularly with our trainees in mind, “The Evaluation of
Common Presentations in Respiratory Disease,” built on
the classic triad of Dyspnea, Cough, and Chest Pain.

Sevennew chapters were added on topics ranging from Hypercar-
bia to Hemoptysis to Pulmonary Nodule, which we hope will be a valuable resource for our readers.

Other changesto the Textbook are noteworthy: in particular, the sections
on Basic Science and on Sleep have been revamped, reflect-
ing the major rethinking of those topics in the last decade.

These changes were spearheaded by our exceptional
editorial board, with three new members.

The makeup of our editors is now equally women and men, a remarkable
change from the time in 2005 when I (V.C.B.) joined as the
inaugural woman.

Our new editors have brought a fresh
outlook and diverse areas of expertise that helped chart this
new course.

With these new editors have come a slew of new

Of our 317 authors, we welcome almost 180 new
authors, either to take on new chapters or to take the place
of authors who have rotated off.

Overall, our authors comefrom 33 states of the United States and from 18 countries.
Here, too, we have increased the participation of women;
women now make up 32% of our authors, almost double
that in the previous edition (17%).
The printed textbook is a gateway to rich resources online.

While there are a whopping 900 figures in the printed text,
they are joined by others to make a total of 1650 figures
online, all available for download .

The text is expanded byan additional 25% online.

A total of 190 videos and audio clips are accessible online, popping up with just a click to thelink in the text .

All the references are online, and each onelinks to the actual publication.

Most importantly, the onlin etextbook will feature regular updates from our editors and
authors, with the aim of realizing a “living textbook.”
We wish to thank our valuable and skilled colleagues at .

Elsevier, who made this herculean work possible.

In partic-ular, our thanks go to Jennifer Shreiner, who has remained dedicated to the Textbook over the last three editions andmade this task a pleasure.

In addition, Carrie Stetz had the attention to detail and the high standards necessary to pro-duce a lovely book.

Thanks go also to Dolores Meloni andRobin Carter.

We also wish to thank the authors and editors
who contributed to the past editions.

The COVID-19 pandemic has loomed over us during this

Much of the book was written and edited during
lockdowns and hospital surges, with many of our authors
simultaneously juggling heavy frontline clinical and fam-
ily responsibilities with chapter deadlines.

In recognition of this momentous experience, we have added a chapter (46a)
devoted to the topic—a chapter that has been updated up to
the last moment and will continue to be updated frequently
online—and placed an image of the novel coronavirus on
our cover.

The impact of the pandemic on our lives has
made the successful outcome of this project all the more

A special thanks again to our authors and staff
for their outstanding efforts during this particularly difficult
time.Sadly, Dr. Murray, who started this Textbook together
with Dr. Jay Nadel and guided it up to this point, died of .

COVID-19 in March 2020. He remained committed to the
textbook until his last days.Over his illustrious career, he
taught many of us and inspired all of us to the highest call-
ings of teaching and caring for patients.

This Textbook idedicated to him.





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